Vol. 31
黃懷毅 Huai-I Huang
Moldable skin barriers as a clinical option for patients following ileostomy
(頁) 2020;31:204-212
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 1 次 (頁) 2020;31:204-212
Vol. 31
許尊堯 Zun-Yao Syu
Should rectosigmoid junction cancer be classified as colon or rectal cancer in pT1-3N+M0 cases? Clinical results of different adjuvant therapeutic modalities
(頁) 2020;31:195-203
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 1 次 (頁) 2020;31:195-203
Vol. 31
黃暐聖 Wei-Sheng Huang
Sharing single surgeon experience of learning endoscopic submucosal dissection for colorectal lesions
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 2 次 (頁)2020;31:187-194
Vol. 31
郭柏辰 Po-Chen Kuo
Higher risk for papilledema in inflammatory bowel disease: A nationwide population-based study cohort study in Taiwan
(頁) 2020;31:178-186
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 1 次 (頁) 2020;31:178-186
Vol. 31
謝明皓 Ming-Hao Hsieh
Mortality Risk and Related Factors of Stage I Colorectal Cancer Patients Death Risk and Related factors in Stage I Colorectal Cancer Patients: A Nationwide Population-Based Study
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 1 次 (頁)2020;31:168-177
Vol. 31
林威廷 Wei-Ting Lin
Prognostic factors for locally advanced stage IV colorectal cancer
(頁) 2020;31:159-167
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 1 次 (頁) 2020;31:159-167
Vol. 31
張書豪 Shu-Hao Chang
The effectiveness of the tegafur/uracil and leucovorin adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II colorectal cancer patients based on the tumor location
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 1 次 (頁)2020;31:149-158
Vol. 31
陳穎韋Ying-Wei Chen
Colorectal Surgery in Patients over 90 Years Old: Shuang-Ho Hospital Experiences
(頁) 2020;31:142-148
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 1 次 (頁) 2020;31:142-148
Vol. 31
高聖勛 Sheng Husn Kao
Simultaneous resection for patient with resectable synchronous colorectal cancer and liver metastasis, comparing the result between laparotomy and laparoscopic groups: Our experience at Chi-Mei Hospital
(頁)) 2020;31:134-141
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 1 次 (頁)) 2020;31:134-141
Vol. 31
謝孟樵 Meng-Chiao Hsieh
Neoadjuvant Short-Course Radiotherapy or Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Radical Colectomy in Locally Advanced Colon Cancer Patients
(頁) 2020;31:123-133
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 1 次 (頁) 2020;31:123-133