Vol. 35
陳品鈞Pin-Chun Chen
Predictors of Lymph Node Metastasis and Survival Outcomes in T1 Colorectal Cancer –A Retrospective Cohort Study
( 頁 2024;35:311-321 )
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Vol. 35
劉郁軒Yu-Hsuan Liu
Predictive Capability of Blood Test Results on Postoperative Day 3 for Short-term Outcome and Morbidities
(頁) 2024;35:302-310)
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Vol. 35
陳怡安Yi-An Chen
The Impact of a 5 mm-Distal Resection Margin on Oncological Outcome for Patients with Low Rectal Cancer
Undergoing Preoperative Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy
(頁 2024;35:290-301 )
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 5 次 Undergoing Preoperative Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy
(頁 2024;35:290-301 )
Vol. 35
楊竣麟Chun-Lin Yang
Comparison of the Oncological Outcomes between Laparoscopic and Open Colectomy in T4 Colon Cancer
(頁 2024;35:282-289 )
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Vol. 35
李奕杰I-Chieh Lee
The Possible Effects of Protodioscin Inhibit Tumor Proliferation, Migration and Invasion in Colon Cancer Cell Lines
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 5 次 (頁2024;35:271-281)
Vol. 35
陳凱祥-Hsiang Chen
Efficacy and Safety of Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty in High-risk Patients: A Case-matched Study in a Single Center
[英文全文 / pdf] 下載 6 次 (頁2024;35:263-270)
Vol. 35
許方競Fang-Chin Hsu
Outcomes of Laparoscopic versus Robotic Surgery for Sigmoid Colon and Rectal Cancer: A Single-Center Young Colorectal Surgeon’ Initial Experience
(頁 2024;35:253-262)
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Vol. 35
蔡妙玲Miao-Ling Tsai
Oncologic Outcomes for Patients with Anastomotic Leakage after Minimally Invasive Surgery for Colorectal Cancer
(頁 2024;35:241-252)
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Vol. 35
楊曙榮Shu-Jung Yang
Association between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Age-related Macular Degeneration from the TriNetX Global Electronic Health Records Database
(頁 2024;35:232-240 )
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Vol. 35
劉開元Kai-Yuan Liu
Trends in the Outcomes of Colorectal Cancer after Curative Surgery in Taiwan: A Single-Center Analysis of 10-year Experience
(頁 2024;35:221-231 )
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Vol. 35
黃士峯Shih-Feng Huang
Local Treatment First or Direct Surgery for T1 Colorectal Cancer? A Single Institutional Retrospective Cohort Study
(頁 2024;35:210-220 )
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Vol. 35
余明哲Yu Ming-Zhe
A Comparison between Hartmann’s Procedure, Primary Anastomosis, and Primary Anastomosis with Defunctioning Stoma in Hinchey III and IV Diverticulitis
(頁 2024;35:201-209 )
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